The number of podiatrists in the US based on the best available information is determined below. Please see the disclaimer below.
State/Territory | Population based on 2020 Census | Number of licensed podiatrists (as at 6 August, 2022) | Podiatrists/Population |
Alabama | 5,024,279 | 166 | 1/30267 |
Alaska | 733,391 | 29 | 1/25289 |
Arizona | 7,151,502 | 495 | 1/14447 |
Arkansas | 3,011,524 | 40 | 1/75288 |
California | 39,538,223 | 2260 | 1/17495 |
Colorado | 5,773,714 | 236 | 1/24464 |
Connecticut | 3,605,944 | 345 | 1/10452 |
Delaware | 989,948 | 111 | 1/8918 |
Florida | 21,538,187 | 2096 | 1/10276 |
Georgia | 10,711,908 | 569 | 1/18826 |
Hawaii | 1,455,271 | 88 | 1/16537 |
Idaho | 1,839,106 | 78 | 1/23578 |
Illinois | 12,801,989 | 1169 | 1/10951 |
Indiana | 6,785,528 | 440 | 1/15422 |
Iowa | 3,271,616 | 243 | 1/13463 |
Kansas | 2,937,880 | 150 | 1/19586 |
Kentucky | 4,505,836 | 251 | 1/17952 |
Louisiana | 4,657,757 | 193 | 1/24133 |
Maine | 1,362,359 | 91 | 1/14971 |
Maryland | 6,177,224 | 476 | 1/12977 |
Massachusetts | 7,029,917 | 545 | 1/12899 |
Michigan | 10,077,331 | 806 | 1/12503 |
Minnesota | 5,706,494 | 250 | 1/22826 |
Mississippi | 2,961,279 | 91 | 1/32541 |
Missouri | 6,154,913 | 366 | 1/16817 |
Montana | 1,084,225 | 57 | 1/19021 |
Nebraska | 1,961,504 | 109 | 1/17995 |
Nevada | 3,104,614 | 159 | 1/19525 |
New Hampshire | 1,377,529 | 103 | 1/13374 |
New Jersey | 9,288,994 | 1220 | 1/7614 |
New Mexico | 2,117,522 | 146 | 1/14505 |
New York | 20,201,249 | 2448 | 1/8252 |
North Carolina | 10,439,388 | 447 | 1/23354 |
North Dakota | 779,094 | 40 | 1/19477 |
Ohio | 11,799,448 | 1011 | 1/11671 |
Oklahoma | 3,959,353 | 137 | 1/28900 |
Oregon | 4,237,256 | 233 | 1/18186 |
Pennsylvania | 13,002,700 | 1504 | 1/8645 |
Puerto Rico | 3,285,874 | 59 | 1/55693 |
Rhode Island | 1,097,379 | 101 | 1/10865 |
South Carolina | 5,118,425 | 203 | 1/25214 |
South Dakota | 886,667 | 57 | 1/15556 |
Tennessee | 6,910,840 | 230 | 1/30047 |
Texas | 29,145,505 | 1152 | 1/25299 |
US Virgin Islands | 106,290 | 6 | 1/17715 |
Utah | 3,205,958 | 264 | 1/12143 |
Vermont | 643,077 | 35 | 1/18374 |
Virginia | 8,631,393 | 569 | 1/15169 |
Washington | 7,705,281 | 381 | 1/20223 |
Washington, D.C. | 689,545 | 150 | 1/4597 |
West Virginia | 1,793,716 | 127 | 1/14124 |
Wisconsin | 5,893,718 | 302 | 1/19515 |
Wyoming | 576,851 | 34 | 1/16966 |
Total USA | 334,841,445 | 22,868 | 1/14642 |
Adding up the number of licenses issued by each authority, there are 22,868 licenses issued to podiatrists. The American Podiatric Medical Association estimates there are approximately 18,000 podiatrists in the USA.
See: How many podiatrists are there worldwide?
Disclaimer: this information is based on the best available information that we can find. It should not be relied upon for decision making without being verified. For example, some podiatrists may be licensed in two states; some podiatrists may maintain their license, but are no longer practicing or are on leave; some may be practicing part-time – the above information does not take that into account as it is not available. The number of podiatrists is based on the raw data available from the various licensing boards of the number of licenses in each state.
See: Disclaimer on the number of podiatrists
Number of Podiatrists in Other Countries:
USA | Canada | United Kingdom | Australia | New Zealand |
South Africa | Singapore | Malta | Ireland | Morocco |
Belgium | (Worldwide) |
Related Pages:
Find a Podiatrist in the USA | Podiatric Practice in the USA | Podiatrist Schools in the USA | Professional Organizations in the USA | Podiatry Conferences in the USA
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