The number of podiatrists in the United Kingdom here is based on the best available information that can be found and is somewhat confounded compared to how numbers are determined in other countries.
Home Nation | Population (estimate for 2020) | Number of registered podiatrists (as of 2020) | Podiatrists/Population |
England | 56 186 000 | 9337 | 1/6018 |
Scotland | 5 466 000 | 1262 | 1/4331 |
Wales | 3 170 000 | 578 | 1/5484 |
Northern Ireland | 1 896 000 | 460 | 1/4122 |
Total UK | 67 081 000 | 11 637* | 1/5764 |
*These numbers based on data in the Saks Report. Other estimates have put this number at 14 000. It is not possible to access the raw number from the HCPC like is available for other countries.
The UK data on the provision of foot care is confounded by a significant amount being provided by the unregistered Foot Health Practitioners who use that occupational description to avoid the need to be qualified and registered by the HCPC. This does not happen in any other country.
See: How many podiatrists are there worldwide?
Disclaimer: this information is based on the best available information that we can find. It should not be relied upon for decision making without being verified. For example, some podiatrists may maintain their registration, but are no longer practicing or are on leave; some may be practicing part-time – the above information does not take that into account as it is not available.
See: Disclaimer on the number of podiatrists
Number of Podiatrists in Other Countries:
USA | Canada | United Kingdom | Australia | New Zealand |
South Africa | Singapore | Malta | Ireland | Morocco |
Belgium | (Worldwide) |
Related Pages:
Find a Podiatrist in the UK | Podiatric Practice in the UK | First Aid and CPR Requirements for Podiatrists in the United Kingdom | Working as an Overseas Podiatrist in the United Kingdom | Prescribing Medicines in the UK | Podiatry Conferences in the UK | Professional Organisations in the UK | Podiatry Schools in the UK
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