The number of podiatrists worldwide is based on the best available information is determined below. Please see the disclaimer below.
Country: | Number of Podiatrists: | Population: | Podiatrists/Population: |
Australia | 6022 | 25,422,788 | 1/4221 |
Malta | 129 | 525,285 | 1/4071 |
New Zealand | 479 | 5,126,920 | 1/10703 |
USA | 22,868 | 334,841,445 | 1/14642 |
South Africa | 452 | 60,142,978 | 1/133059 |
United Kingdom | 11 637 | 67 081 000 | 1/5764 |
Ireland | 5,056,175 | ||
Singapore | 126 | 5,975,689 | 1/47426 |
Morocco | 25 | 38,489,738 | 1/1,539,589 |
Canada | 1244 | 35,566,837 | 1/28591 |
Belgium | 1267 | 11,702,948 | 1/9236 |
Disclaimer: this information is based on the best available information that we can find. It should not be relied upon for decision making without being verified. For example, some podiatrists may maintain their registration, but are no longer practicing or are on leave; some may be practicing part-time – the above information does not take that into account as it is not available.
See: Disclaimer on the number of podiatrists
Links to the Number of Podiatrists in Each Country:
USA | Canada | United Kingdom | Australia | New Zealand |
South Africa | Singapore | Malta | Ireland | Morocco |
Belgium | (Worldwide) |
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