Ear disorders

Wikis > General Medicine > Ear disorders

Ear disorders

Behaviours that may indicate hearing difficulty:
• difficulty hearing over phone
• trouble following conversation when more than two people are involved
• turning up volume on radio and TV
• learning forward
• asking for repetition

Hearing impairment

Socially difficulties begin to occur when hearing loss in both ears reaches 40dB in the speech frequencies of 500-3000Hz. Total deafness occurs when >85dB below normal.

Treatment options:
• medical management of cause
• hearing aids (electronics to make sound louder; does not correct hearing loss;
• assistive learning devices
• auditory training (to teach individuals to use residual hearing to maximum)
• lip reading
• cochlear implants (surgically implanted to stimulate auditory nerve)
• counselling

Tips for working with the hearing impaired:
speak directly to them in clear low tones at moderate pace
move closer and face them directly
do not cover mouth
reduce background noise
signal before speaking to gain attention
pause after key words
give the listener more time to respond
use note paper if needed

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