
Podiatrists and Podiatry in Argentina

Argentina or more officially called the Argentine Republic, is located in southeastern South America. The capital is Buenos Aires and the official language is Spanish. There is some podiatry and podiatrists in Argentina, but we have limited information about the situation. Please contact us if you can contribute some information to update this page. There is the orthopedic organisation, the Argentine Society for Foot and Leg Medicine and Surgery.

8.1% of GDP in 2011 was spent on health care in Argentina.

The offical national sport is pato (similar to polo). The most popular sport is football, followed by basketball and then rugby union.

Population: 41,660,417

Podiatry Organisations: None

Podiatrists in ArgentinaBuenos Aires

Diabetes Prevalence: 6%

Related Pages:
Find a Podiatrist | Podiatrists in Argentina | Podiatrists in Buenos Aires

External Links:
Wikipedia page on Argentina | Health Care in Argentina | WHO page on Argentina

This page needs more work to develop it further. Do you know of any podiatrists in Argentina or anything podiatry related there, then please consider contributing to the project. New editors and authors are always welcome. Please contact us.
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