Pose Running

The Pose Method of running was developed by Dr Nicholas Romanov, a scientist and coach who was heavily involved in the late 70’s and early 80’s with athlete training in Russia. Pose is one of a number of different running techniques that is widely promoted. As Romanov described the process in his 2004 book, “Pose Method of Running,” he first studied the movement of both humans and animals with the intent of establishing the core scientific principles at work in fast, efficient locomotion. The purpose of the Pose Method curriculum, Romanov offered, was to help a runner diminish the risk of injury while improving athletic performance.” “ummarizes the Pose Method  as a blend of using gravity through falling forward and shifting supports by “dropping the feet directly under the body as you move forward.” The changes of support are what Romanov characterizes as the different positions—or poses—that we move through in each cycle of running. Perhaps the most important thing for a beginner to understand when attempting to learn the Pose Method is that the number one consideration in moving swiftly and efficiently is that gravity is the one relentless force that influences all in terms of movement, and to run well your best bet is to use gravity as best you can as opposed to fighting it.” “Pose breaks running down into three simple parts: the running pose, the fall, and the pull. Pose –> Fall –> Pull. Even simpler, all you have to do to run is to change support from one leg to the other by pulling the support foot from the ground.” The name of the method comes from the word “pose” or “body position.” {It’s the} ability of certain poses to integrate the whole chain of preceding and subsequent movements into one whole, wasting no energy on inconsequential movement. –Pose Method website


Description of Pose Running: http://www.posetech.com/library/pp-SIB-0001.html Pose running technique principles in summary 1.    Raise your ankle straight up under your hip, using the hamstrings 2.    Keep your support time short 3.    Your support is always on the balls of your feet 4.    Do not touch the ground with your heels 5.    Avoid shifting weight over your toes: raise your ankle when the weight is on the ball of your foot 6.    Keep your ankle fixed at the same angle 7.    Keep knees bent at all times 8.    Feet remain behind the vertical line going through your knees 9.    Keep stride length short 10.    Keep knees and thighs down, close together, and relaxed 11.    Always focus on pulling the foot from the ground, not on landing 12.    Do not point or land on the toes 13.    Gravity, not muscle action, controls the landing of the legs 14.    Keep shoulder, hip and ankle in vertical alignment 15.    Arm movement is for balance, not for force production

Claims of Pose Running:
Reduced injury

Criticisms of Pose Running:
Behaviour of its  fan boys in social media
Critque: http://naturalrunningcenter.com/2013/07/30/posing-question-proper-running-form/



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Books on Pose Running:

Research on Pose Running:

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