La tecnica de ortesis invertida: Un processo de estabilizaion del pie para pies pronados is the Spanish translation of The Inverted Orthotic Technique: A Process of Foot Stabilization for Pronated Feet about book about lower extremity biomechanics as practiced by Richard L Blake, DPM at the Orthopedic Sports Institute in Saint Francis Memorial Hospital San Francisco, California. Dr. Blake has been a practicing podiatrist for 40 years and works in a multi-disciplinary practice. Dr. Blake has written and lectured both nationally and internationally on biomechanics and sports medicine topics. The Inverted Orthotic Technique has been studied for over 30 years and utilized throughout the world. Dr. Blake hopes this book will help his readers be up to date on all the changes in the technique over these last 30 years since he first started lecturing. The book was translated by Carlos Sebastian and Alvaro Carrion.
La técnica de ortesis invertida es un sistema de ortesis funcionales que se utiliza para corregir pies pronunciados, lesiones que requieren inversión para aliviar los síntomas y estabilizar la mecánica en actividades como correr y andar en bicicleta. Destinado a podólogos, estudiantes de medicina y proveedores de atención médica interesados en la biomecánica de las extremidades inferiores, cubre el proceso de selección de pacientes para quienes el aparato ortopédico sería beneficioso, los tipos de aparatos de fabricación, el seguimiento del paciente y las posibles modificaciones de los aparatos. Se profundiza en los principios biomecánicos, manteniendo un enfoque práctico para la biomecánica de las extremidades inferiores en un entorno clínico.
El Dr. Richard L Blake, DPM, ha sido podólogo durante 40 años y ha escrito y dado conferencias a nivel nacional e internacional sobre temas de biomecánica y medicina deportiva. Como practicante de la técnica ortótica invertida durante más de 30 años, su objetivo es ayudar a los lectores a mantenerse al día con el concepto siempre cambiante y guiarlos hacia la mejor atención para sus pacientes. Al combinar un enfoque informativo con extensos apéndices y casi 100 preguntas de autoevaluación, hace posible que un lector termine el libro con una comprensión profunda del papel que tenga la técnica ortótica invertida en podología y medicina deportiva.
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About the Author of The Inverted Orthotic Technique: A Process of Foot Stabilization for Pronated Feet:
Dr. Richard Blake is a practicing Podiatrist in San Francisco, California. He invented the Inverted Orthotic Technique and has spent over 35 years studying its affects on his patients. He has lectured nationally and internationally on the device also called the Blake Inverted Orthosis. He practices biomechanics and sports medicine at the famed Orthopedic Sports Institute at Saint Francis Memorial Hospital in San Francisco for 38 years. He is the past president of the American Academy of Podiatric Sports Medicine. He has published over 50 articles on sports medicine and biomechanics. He has taught for over 20 years at the California College of Podiatric Medicine, now the California School of Podiatric Medicine at Samuel Merritt University in Oakland, California. He is the author of a blog on foot injuries called drblakeshealingsole. He has been a marathon runner and avid basketball player. He is now focusing on hiking with an upcoming adventure on the famous Camino de Santiago in Spain. Dr. Blake’s 3 true loves are his family first, his profession of podiatry, and teaching. He loves teaching through patient care, with students, his blog, and this book is an extension of that love affair of podiatry and teaching. He feels very blessed to have found his chosen profession dedicated to the care of patients. His hope is that this book helps the podiatry profession is some small way.
Book Details:
Title: La tecnica de ortesis invertida: Un processo de estabilizaion del pie para pies pronados
Authors: Richard Blake (translated by Carlos Sebastian and Alvaro Carrion)
Publisher: BookBaby
Published: 2020
Language: English
Format: Softcover
Pages: 160
ISBN-10: 1098302788
ISBN-13: 978-1098302788
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