Dr George Geppner DPM was previously the President of the Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine and passed away on January 14 2017 at the age of 95. He was responsible for helping to establish the Feet First Museum at the college. He wrote several books including “William Scholl, M.D. – Industrial-Educator” (1997), “Dr. Scholl — Man or Myth” (1999) and “Podiatric Medicine and the Dr. William M. Scholl College” (2003).
He went to high school in Massachusetts, then trained as an X-ray technician. During World War II he was assigned to the US Army Medical Corps in Europe. After the war, he enrolled at the Illinois College of Chiropody and Foot Surgery (the precursor to the Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine), graduating in 1950. He practiced in Peoria, Illinois for almost 30 years. He was the President of the Illinois Podiatric Medical Association in 1964. In 1980, he joined the Faculty at the College in 1980 and served as President from 1982 to 1990. He then remained there untill 2003 serving as a historian and archivist. He was responsible for establishing a number of outreach programs while at the College.
Dr Geppner was married to the former Marjorie Gorham from Peoria, Illinois who passed away in 2012. They had 5 children, Michael (Denver, CO), Nancy (Newton, MA), Patricia (Bloomingdale, IL), Theresa (Glendale Heights, IL), and Robert (Ann Arbor, MI) with 10 grandchildren and 3 great granddaughters.
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