Whooping Cough/Pertussis

Whooping Cough/Pertussis:
Highly infectious bacterial infection of respiratory tract – due to Bordetella pertussis (releases a toxin that causes a necrosis of mucosa) – spread by droplet infection. 90% < 5 years. Incubation of 7-14 days. Clinical features – initially have conjunctivitis, rhinitis and unproductive cough (catarrhal stage)  progresses to severe coughing with high pitched inspiratory whoop (paroxysmal stage)  cough gradually decreases (convalescent stage). Complications  bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchiectasis, convulsions Treatment – erythromycin; fluid intake encouraged; nutritious diet to prevent weight loss; observation for respiratory stress Prevention - immunisation Find Weird and Wonderful Books at AbeBooks

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